A collection of 12 different styles of (single) snowshoes spanning over 100 years:
1850s - 1950s
Styles/Descriptions of each: Starting at long pointed tip (on the bottom at 6 o'clock going clockwise
54x10-½ pointed tip Ojibwa
38x12 metal webbing (Ice shoes)
13-½ x 9 Swiss Wood bearpaw
18-½ x 11 squared oval w leather web
21x16 round Native American - red poms
21x11 oval no bindings
32x14-½ teardrop - native
40-1/2x14 - unique native
18-½ x 12 oval Native American
42x14 - Canadian w leather bindings
35-½ x 11 modified bearpaw
18-½ x 11 (center oval pair with leather binding)